New Year, New Goals!

It’s that time again! The new year, time to set those goals (or resolutions)!


It’s two weeks into the new year and time to set yourself up to succeed. Personally, I prefer to set goals, but everyone is different. To be perfectly honest, writing goals for myself was never something I did or felt that I was good at. I mean we all learn about goal setting in school, but it was never something that my family did or pushed us to do. It wasn’t until I met my husband that I truly saw how important goals were. Since the day I met my husband, he always had goals set for himself and pushed himself to achieve them. It is one of the things I completely admire about him.

About a year or so into our relationship he asked me about my goals. I had nothing for him. He seemed pretty disappointed in this. From that day on he has continuously pushed me and motivated me to set goals for myself that I am passionate about. Although it took A LOT of pushing to finally get me to do it, I am slowly getting the hang of it. We all have goals we set for ourselves in our head, but it’s writing them down that make them real. Another important thing I learned was that you need to give yourself a time line, otherwise you can write them down and never do anything with them. Make a plan, give yourself an attainable time frame (don’t set yourself up for failure), and get to work!

I have also found that sharing your goals with others is an excellent motivator. So, I have decided to share some of my personal goals for the year with you guys. Not only to push and motivate myself, but also to give those of you struggling some ideas. Goals don’t need to be difficult, you just need to be passionate about them and really want it.

Some of my personal 2019 Goals include:

  • Read more- I want to read at least one book every other month (6 total). Hopefully I will read more than that, but I don’t want to set myself up for failure. One thing about me, for some reason, I am a really slow reader… I don’t know why, but I always have been. Book recommendations always appreciated!
  • Take at least 6 classes– These classes can be anything from craft classes, to cooking classes or even something on photography. I want to continue to build my knowledge base, and my hobbies. I hope to find something that I really like and learn new tips and tricks on things I already enjoy.
  • Run a 10k in under an hour– If you’ve seen my previous post, you know that I joined a running program a couple months ago… you also know that last year I set a goal for myself to complete at least one 5k per month- which I did! So, this year I wanted to up it a notch and throw in a 10k, but also gave myself a pace I want to achieve.
  • Obtain my CPT (Certified Personal Trainer) by March– This is a big one for me. I have always considered getting my CPT, however I’ve always come up with an excuse not to. So, I decided this is my year. I love fitness and it has done so much for myself, I want to be able to learn more and share that with others. I am really hoping to achieve this by March 😊

I have a few other goals such as: the number of blogs I hope to write per month, volunteer work and other fitness goals… But I decided to share my bigger goals for the year with you all.

Another thing that my husband and I do (like I said, he is big on goals) is set a 5-year plan for ourselves. Each year we set personal goals for ourselves, but we also like to have an idea of what we would like to achieve in the upcoming years. A lot of these are things we would like to do together, for example: have a baby, buy a house, go on a big vacation… but we also list our personal goals as well. We break it into three sections: Personal, Career & Education, and Financial. Being a financial advisor, the financial section is an important one to my husband, but it is nice to see where we are and where we would like to get to. We also list any big expenses we plan to have in this section (house, new car, etc.). I feel like this would be a great idea for families to do to get their kids involved. We use a basic poster board and post-its, but you could definitely make it fun and creative! It’s also nice to look back to see all that we accomplished.

Our 5-year Goal Board

So, get excited and really have a good time setting some goals for yourself. This should not be a chore, it should be fun! Have a great time and get that year going!


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