Postpartum Fitness Journey

Part 1 Let’s just say I had EVERY intention on starting my postpartum fitness journey as soon as possible at 6wks postpartum, but sometimes life throws wrenches in our plans. One of my biggest goals with this blog was to be open, honest, and REAL… so here it goes! On top of becoming a new […]

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Pregnant and Powerful

We all know that there is a ton of information that people tell you about being pregnant and so many opinions/advices given- mostly unsolicited. There is also so much about pregnancy that people are afraid to discuss, or feel is too taboo to mention. Due to the lack of discussion, so many women deal with […]

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I did a thing…

If you have previously read my blog posts, you know I joined a running group back in October 2018. If you’re new here… a quick recap: me + running (or really any cardio at that) have never been friends. So naturally, I joined a running group. I initially joined this group to help build my […]

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Priority #1… YOU!

I wanted to touch base on a few things…  If you happen to follow me on Instagram, you know that I have A LOT of fitness and gym posts. It’s true, I love fitness and working out and I am always trying to learn and grow within the industry; but, I feel it is important […]

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New Year, New Goals!

It’s that time again! The new year, time to set those goals (or resolutions)! 2019 It’s two weeks into the new year and time to set yourself up to succeed. Personally, I prefer to set goals, but everyone is different. To be perfectly honest, writing goals for myself was never something I did or felt […]

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Happy New Year!!

As we enter into 2019, I can’t help but reflect on this past year. For one, it feels like the year just flew by! I had so much going on, I feel like I blinked and it’s a new year. 2018 was quite the year for me. I had some EXTREME highs, and some devastating […]

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My Fitness Journey

With Christmas basically here and New Years right around the corner I have decided to start thinking of some new goals. As I sit and reflect, I thought it would be a good time to share with you all my fitness journey up until now. I have a lot of people ask me, or simply […]

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I joined a running program…. But whyyy?!?

My fitness journey has always been quite interesting and all over the place. I have had a personal trainer, attempted self-workouts, tried yoga, at home videos, and joined numerous boot-camps (before finding my current one that I love 😊). I have finally somewhat figured out a routine that works for me. But throughout all of […]

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