As I sit here and reflect about my birthing experience and motherhood , I can’t help but think about the numerous things NOBODY mentions to you. Sure, people give their unsolicited advice through your pregnancy (and beyond) and tell you all about their experience… but there is SO MUCH that isn’t discussed. I don’t know […]
The Good, The “Bad”, and The Not So Glamorous
I have been wanting to write this blog for 4 months now, but honestly… what is time with a newborn?! Anyway, I want to tell you all about my birthing experience as a first-time mom. From the good parts to the not so good parts, and everything in between. There’s a lot that people tell […]
Postpartum Fitness Journey
Part 1 Let’s just say I had EVERY intention on starting my postpartum fitness journey as soon as possible at 6wks postpartum, but sometimes life throws wrenches in our plans. One of my biggest goals with this blog was to be open, honest, and REAL… so here it goes! On top of becoming a new […]
We Bought a House!!
What have I been up to these past few months? Well… aside from growing a little human, we did a thing and bought a house! 2020 has been a year of a lot of things, but for me (and my husband) it has truly been a year of growing up. First a pregnancy, now a […]
Pregnant and Powerful
We all know that there is a ton of information that people tell you about being pregnant and so many opinions/advices given- mostly unsolicited. There is also so much about pregnancy that people are afraid to discuss, or feel is too taboo to mention. Due to the lack of discussion, so many women deal with […]
It’s A….
GIRL! Frank and I are so excited to be welcoming a baby girl into this world! However, the honest truth… I am slightly freaking out! I never saw myself as a “girl mom”. I have never been the “girly” type. I rarely do my makeup (and when I do it’s minimal, and I am sure […]
I’m Pregnant!
During a Pandemic… While Quarantined… First things first, I apologize for my lack of posts. I have had quite a big secret to keep… and not much else to talk about lol! Let me just start out by saying, pregnancy is a whirlwind of its own. Throw in the added stress of a global pandemic […]
Top 5 gifts for the person who has it all!
Looking for the perfect gift for your loved one who has everything… or wants nothing?? With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I know how difficult it can be to find that perfect gift. Especially if you aren’t trying to break the bank along the way. I’ve got you covered! Although these are all gifts […]
I did a thing…
If you have previously read my blog posts, you know I joined a running group back in October 2018. If you’re new here… a quick recap: me + running (or really any cardio at that) have never been friends. So naturally, I joined a running group. I initially joined this group to help build my […]
Life is Full of Curve Balls
Where to begin… Let’s just say that life has been nothing short of ups and downs these past few months. I haven’t made a post in a while, to be honest, because I wasn’t sure what to write about. I have had SO much go on in my life that I didn’t know where to […]